(i) Age of candidates shall be minimum 18 years and maximum 65 years.
(ii) (a) All International Umpires and (b) National Umpires of BB Grade.
(iii) Applications of candidates’ for examination shall be recommended by the President or Secretary of the affiliated units of AICF.
(iv) Candidates shall be conversant with English language.
(v) Candidates shall appear in the examination in the prescribed Umpires’ uniform.
Rs.500. Payment may be made through electronic transfer or Bank Draft drawn in favour of ‘All India Carrom Federation’ payable at Delhi.
(i) Medium of examination shall be English
(ii) Examination shall be in two parts as under – (a) Written -125 marks (b) Viva Voce- 75 marks
(iii) Candidates who secure minimum 60% marks in the written examination would only qualify for viva-voce.
(a) Written examination – 125 marks
- Laws of Carrom – 60 marks
- Duties & responsibilities of Umpires, Chief/Asstt.Chief Referees, Technical officials – 40 marks
- League and knock-out Draws – 15 marks
- Crisis and Time Management – 10 marks
(b) Viva-voce – 75 marks
Marks on the basis of discussions on candidates’ knowledge in Laws of Carrom, decisions on subjects relating to matches and conduct of tournaments not covered by Laws of Carrom, Crisis and Time Management, jobs and responsibilities of technical officials and umpires, technical ability to conduct tournaments independently, Seeding, Ranking, distribution and placement of players in the league and knock-out draws and IQ besides educational/professional qualifications and ex
Certificates :
All successful candidates would be awarded Degree Certificates.
All International Umpires who qualify in this examination would be placed in grade ‘AA’ while National Umpires who qualify will be placed in grade ‘A’ of the All India Panel.
Light grey trouser and blazer (suit), white shirt, white socks, black shoes and necktie. Necktie & embroidered blazer pocket (which would be different from that of Umpires) would be supplied by the Federation on payment basis.
Code of Conduct
All categories of National Umpires and International Umpires in India shall follow Code of Conduct for Umpires.
Annual Fees
All qualified Referees shall remit a fee of Rs.100 per annum. If any Referee has already paid the fee of Rs.100 being an Umpire, the fee shall not be remitted again.